Capillus laser hair growth caps are the best in the business! If you’re one of the millions of people facing hair loss, you want a safe, affordable, and permanent solution that will leave you looking amazing. Capillus caps are the highest grade of laser caps on the market. The two most recent Capillus caps are the CapillusRX 312 vs. CapillusPro 272. But which one’s right for you?

The main difference comes down to the number of red light laser diodes. Maybe you were curious what the numbers meant, and now you’ll know. CapillusRX 312 vs. CapillusPro 272: the first has 312 diodes, and the Pro has 272 diodes. The more diodes, the higher the concentration of healing red light you exposure your scalp to. You may only need 272… but what if you need 312?


Both of these trusted and safe laser caps are completely mobile. They fit discreetly under any standard hat or baseball cap. The technology used by Capillus caps is the same. Low-level laser therapy utilizes red or near-infrared light to stimulate your hair follicles by eliminating free radicals, decreasing inflammation, and increasing oxygen supply and blood flow. When comparing CapillusRX 312 vs. CapillusPro, one just has more red light laser diodes to offer your poor head.

You can’t get either of these caps from just anywhere. Capillus laser caps are available from physicians, hair restoration centers, and Laser Cap Me. While the Capillus Pro 272 model can be purchased at normal retailers, the prescription-grade model, the Capillus RX 312, is only available from registered hair restoration centers. We provide only the best in FDA-cleared LLLT technology made in the USA. Keep in mind that these devices work for both men and women.


The CapillusRX 312 is the newest and most advanced model, so it costs a bit more than its predecessor, the CapillusPro 272. If you have the type of hair situation that requires that extra bit of oomph, that minor price difference will be worth it. Especially because Laser Cap Me offers the best price on Capillus 312. To get the best price available on Capillus, all you have to do is participate in a simple before & after study. And it’s a breeze!

There are other brands of laser cap out there, just like there are store brands of Tylenol. The truth is that they just cannot compare to the power and effectiveness of Capillus caps. We say this for your personal benefit: don’t waste your time scouring the internet trying to find a better, safer hair growth laser cap than Capillus. Whether it’s CapillusRX 312 vs. CapillusPro, there is no better brand of laser cap. And Capillus RX 312 is the best laser cap money can buy. It’s your second-best option outside of getting an FUE or FUT hair transplant.


You’re probably wondering if you need 312 laser diodes, or if 272 diodes are enough for you. This is something that you’ll probably need to discuss with our experts. At Laser Cap Me, we’re dedicated to helping our customers get the most bang for their buck.

We won’t slap you with unnecessary upsells. We’ll take the time to find out how developed your hair loss is, and we’ll give you our honest recommendations on the best laser cap for your particular situation, be it CapillusRX 312 vs. CapillusPro 272.

Laser Cap Me offers free virtual consultations. No need to drive all the way over here. It’s fast, it’s easy, convenient. Stop procrastinating. Stop second-guessing. Just take a minute to find out the exciting and promising possibilities of Capillus laser hair growth caps!

Capillus Pro model

Call Us for Your Capillus Lasercap

Why wait? Contact us today to ask about the Capillus 312 laser device. If you’re not sure, call us so we can have a free virtual consultation with you to discuss your available options and how laser hair therapy may be beneficial for your unique hair loss situation and hair restoration goals.

Laser Cap Me offers better prices for the Capillus hair cap laser hair restoration hat than you can find for a lesser grade device. So what are you waiting for? Stop hair loss now! Contact us or visit our store to purchase your Capillus 312.

You can reach us at 213-403-0455, or send us an email. You can also find out further details by visiting our clinic’s site Best Hair Transplant.